Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book
This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
48h Locking Shipping Addresses - Fulfilling February 2nd!
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 09:01:15 AM
Quick update, everyone!
We've just past the 48h mark to confirm your shipping addresses! Please check your email and, if you need to change your shipping address, please go to this link and use the email you have used on Kickstarter to modify your information. Addresses will lock on Thursday!
Fulfillment February 2nd
Shipping will commence on February 2nd. You will receive an email with a survey and you will pay the additional small flat fee. The fees will be announced next week after shipping addresses have been locked. We are still playing with the estimates and how much we can rely on donations to carry us through the costs. To let you all know. The additional costs compared to when we charged (we may have slightly even undercharged at the time) is 3x what we charged to backers. You will NOT have to pay that much in your flat fee as we are going to be trying to rely on flat fees + the donations of backers and others in the community to help us cover these heightened costs.
If you are unfamiliar with the shipping issue, please visit this post to find out more (TLDR, since charging shipping. Shipping prices due to covid, heavier products and other reasons have increased dramatically).
Everyone who pays the flat fee andreceives their pledge help us even out the increase in shipping will receive the following:
TheArcane Dragon STL from our original Skies of Sordane campaign. We do not sell this dragon retail and only give it away for special promotions to certain people.
A brand new STL designed specifically for this campaign and free for all backers who complete their fulfillment. This STL will be a new giant unique to Sordane and they first one we have ever sculpted. It will include beautiful new art and a stat block to use in 5e!
You will receive over$150 of PDFs/STLs files. Including, the Discovering Aldarra adventure and all ships, maps, stls, and content that comes with it.
Q:"If I didn't support through a physical pledge, can I still receive these perks?"
A: Yes, there will be a donation tier on the campaign where you can also donate to receive these perks for a small amount if you wish to receive them and also help the campaign.
Donation Campaign Launching February 2nd
Do you want to donate to help us cover the full extra cost of shipping & get a great deal on our products you may not have already? The donation campaign is where you can get 80% off our already discounted bundles, past ships, monthly subscription content, and more, will also launch on February 2ndwith the fulfillment surveyson MyMiniFactory Frontiers. We will link to it in the update on that day and we really encourage everyone to donate if they can and they want more of our awesome content.
In addition to giving the largest savings on our digital products ever, we are going to be partnering with a handful of creators to provide you with even more perks of free STLs & trial memberships to their Tribes when donating a certain amount to the campaign.
More information will be provided on this when we launch the campaign on February 2nd!
That's all for this update, everyone! Will be back next week with more information on the flat fees (after shipping addresses have locked) and we will be getting you your products in no time! We are shipping next week!!!
I'm immensely relieved and thankful to finally be getting this product to you all and I want to (I know - broken record) thank you all again so much for your support and patience! Again, I apologize to everyone for the delay of this project. It has affected us greatly as a company too and I genuinely hope the products will be to the quality you expect and worth the wait!
All the best
Benny and the AM team
Product in Warehouse! Locking Addresses by 25th. Shipping by end of month
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 10:52:58 AM
Hello Everyone! Happy New Year to all! =)
This will be a quick update to let you all know where things are at and moving forward.
Where is the product?
It is in our fulfillment partner's warehouse in the US! It's being put into the inventory now and we should be ready to ship out soon! It got delayed a couple of times from the manufacturer (as expected), and I'm quite sure we are being charged extra for the delay (ironically), but it finally was delivered to our warehouse! woohoo!
What's Next?
Next, you will all have until Wednesday the 25th to change your addresses in backerkit! On the 26th, we lock addresses and then proceed from there!
Haveyou decided on how to handle additional shipping?
Yes. As mentioned in this update, we need to somehow make up for the fact that we charged too little for shipping.
As such, we are going to do a hibridazation of 2 options.We feel this will be the best way forward for everyone and potentially help us cover the cost of everyone supporting us. So we are going to be charging a smaller, flat fee, to everyone (based on country location) and accepting donations in return for massive bundles of digital files (PDF adventures, STLs, etc).
The reason we have decided not to charge the "exact" amount of extra shipping for each person is simply because it would get too complicated from what we have already charged (since we actually have to use a different platform for this). It has not been fun trying to work this out =(. Check out the details below!
2 main factors caused this. 1) the products are heavier than we originally inteded as the quality of the materials is much better and much heavier (and more expensive) than we were originally quoted for and 2) covid has played a part in increased costs. Luckily, in the last 6 months it has come down more and more, but it's still not to the place we were when we originally charged for shipping about 20 months ago.
As mentioned, we will charge everyone a extra flat fee charge. This flat fee will be based on your location in the world (we don't have the exact numbers yet, but it should be a stomachable amount for a vast majority of you).
Please Note: As promised, for these flat fees, everyone will be given access to more digital files as a thank you and a sorry for the inconvenience of charging too little for shipping the first time. Reward files will be in the form of both STLs and PDFs. These will take the form of our airships, adventures, soundtracks, maps and miniatures recently made in the last 6 months.
Please Note #2: You will be paying through new portal. Not through backerkit for the additional shipping. The Portal will send you a new survey when the time is right. This portal is operated by our partners who print and provide the shipping labels!
2. Flat Fee Too Expensive + Still Want a Refund?
If, once we figure out the flat rate to get our product to you, and you still feel like it's something you don't think is justified by our reasoning, we will offer you a refund. We will do this at the time of shipping and not before. Logistically it makes sense for us to focus all of this extra admin effort into one time period. So that's what we will focus on.
PleaseNote: If you have any STL rewards along with your pledge, we will not be able to refund you for those, so your refund will be in proportion to the value of the physical rewards you are being refunded for.
We genuinely hope that after almost 2 years of development, the majority of you will see your way to helping us get this product to you, but we understand if not.
3. Donations Will be Accepted
We will open a new donation campaign on MyMiniFactory with 3 levels of donation. This campaign page will go live next week and we will notify you in an update here. Where you can donate, get massive digital rewards, and help us out with fulfilling the shipping costs (the flat fees from #1 will not cover all of our costs sadly, but it helps us make it more stomachable for those who may not be able to pay the full difference in price from the original charge date to now).
This additional step is where we are really counting on people to help us pull through and cover the costs of shipping out all 4000+ orders to the entire community. I made a mistake in making the decision to charge shipping too early and we are in this situation because of it. We will not be making the same mistake with our future projects, such as Aldarra.
When Will Shipping Actually Commence?
We are planning to have packages starting to go out by the end of the month! only a few days after we lock addresses and send out the flat fee surveys from our fulfillment partner.
I want to thank you all again for your trust, understanding, patience and generosity. You all believe in this project and, while I know some of you have lost your faith, we have tried to remain open and transparent the entire time. I genuinely appreciate all of you more than I can say and we cannot wait until you all have these products in your hands! I am very proud of the products and our entire team for putting together such a fantastic effort and project.
Have a great weekend everyone! A new update will be out early-mid next week to announce the launching of the donations campaign and hopefully some more information.
Please remember, we are closing shipping address changes on JANUARY 25TH! After this date, your addresses will be locked!
Benny and the AM team
Quick Shipping Update and Happy New Year!
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Jan 04, 2023 at 09:29:38 PM
Quick Shipping Update and Happy New Year!
Hey everyone and happy new year!
Just wanted to give you all a heads up. It looks like the product will be in the warehouse (finally - it was delayed in LA) at the end of this week or early next week! That means we should be able to start shipping and fulfilling this month!
What was the result of the shipping issue from last month?
We have had over 900 responses to our last survey. If you haven't had a chance to see the issue we have been facing regarding shipping, please check out the last update here
As soon as the product is in the warehouse, we will be making a decision on how to proceed with the survey we put out in that update. We will likely be doing a mix of a couple of them to make it as approachable and amicable as possible for the most people. Not everyone will likely be happy, but we are going to do our best.
Thanks again for the patience everyone! Hope you all had a great holiday season and new year! We are almost there and we can't wait to get this in your hands!
Benny and the AM team
Shipping Costs Increase (Survey to backers). Product nearly in the warehouse!
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 06:26:02 AM
Happy Holidays Everyone!
This will be just a quick update today to let you all know what's going to happen in the new year before we ship the product!
Where is all the product now?
We received confirmation a couple days ago that the container is hitting LA and will soon (probably now) on its way to the distribution fulfilment centre! I will send out another update when it gets there!
This is extremely exciting and we can't wait for the confirmation of the container hitting the warhouse!
When will you ship?
We will be shipping in January / February. We are working on getting our remaining stock also on Amazon which is where we will sell remaining stock! We apologize for this final little delay, but below we will explain the situation for the delayed shipping and why we aren't shipping in December.
First off, it goes without saying (though I will say it anyway), that your continued support, and patience with the project has been so appreciated by myself and the team. We are nearing the finish line right now and I cannot wait! I am so proud of the product we have made and I can't wait to get it into all of your hands!
The sad truth is that we charged shipping back in the early months of 2021. Right before shipping went *bananas* and now it's quite a lot more expensive to ship compared to early 2021.
This is why we are not shipping in December even though the product is going to be in the warhouse by next week (if all goes to plan). It's simply much too expensive to ship around this time of year and costs have already gone much higher than before. So, in the meantime, we will be asking you - our faithful backers for your opinions on what we should do moving forward.
Shipping Fees have drastically increased since early 2021 when we charged for shipping
So what's the situation? Well, the shipping is more expensive that we charged for and planned for.
First, let me explain why the amount we charged you for shipping in early 2021 is no longer the cost of actually shipping the product to you.
1.Covid and other world factors have made it quite a bit more expensive to ship the product than originally planned and charged for. This is the cost from warehouse to your doors. The exact increase in price isn't known until we get the new quote from our distributor in January/February when we intend to fulfill the pledges to you from the warehouse.
2.The products themselves have increased in weight and materials. There has been a modification in the type of materials originally planned to be used (and quoted for from the manufacturer). They basically sold us on a vision of the product, but only quoted us on low quality materials. This is why it took such heavy delays to get finished and it cost us about twice as much out of pocket for manufacturing costs. We had to reduce our order amount by quite a bit.
3.The final factor in the rise of shipping is due to the container prices being 10x last year and at the start of this year. Luckily, by the time we were putting the products on a cargo ship, it had gone down to about 4-4.5x. Not great considering we charged everyone based on 1x, but better than 10x!
This sadly means that we are heavily out of pocket for shipping costs. This would put us in a very bad position for this project, so we need to ask for some support from our backers in understanding the situation. Below, we will list possible solutions.
Now, what can we do about this? We have some decent options, but we would like some feedback from the backers to see what you all think about this. We are going to do our best to be fair to everyone.
1.Ask backersfor an optional donation. Those who don't want to dondate, don't have to donate anything and will be shipped their products regardless of price increases. Backers who donated an amount based on a tier system ($5, $20, $50 for example) will receive additional PDFs and STLs we have produced. These additional bonus downloads would range in value from $50 - $150 MSRP altogether. Different donation amounts get you more free PDFs and STLs
2.Charging the exact amount of shipping increase to backerand offering refunds for those who don't want to pay theincreased shipping fees. Those who choose not to refund, will be given PDFs and STLs of a combined value of $100.
3. Arcane Minis shouldtry to deal with this separately, take the loss and still ship the product regardless of the context. Since you were charged shipping in early 2021, it shouldn't matter when it is shipped or the state of shipping on a global scale. Arcane Minis should deal with the issue themselves.
4. No preference. Any of them would be suitable for you.
We will run this survey until the end of December and then make a decision based on the feedback from our community.A new update will be posted at this time.
I want to thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart that the vast majority of you have been patient and understanding. A few people have understandably voiced concerns and anger over the delays and such, but on the whole, you all have been phenomenal backers and feedback(ers???) givers
As a creator, gamer and entrepenuer I have done my best throughout the last almost 2 years of this project to be as transparent as possible on this project giving you all the information on the process as necessary. I deeply apologize for the delays (no one is more disappointed with them than I). The team I get to work with every day has put so much love and dedication into this product and I cannot wait for you all to have them in your hands ready to use and play with. Truly an awesome time and I am very proud of what we have created!
As always, if you have questions, please joined us on Discord and chat to us there, leave a comment on this update, or send us a private message!
All the best and happy end of 2022 to you all!
Benny and the AM team
Fulfillment and Shipping Update! Getting on the boat next week!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 12:36:58 AM
Shipping & Fulfillment
Hey everyone! Relatively quick, but very good news update today! Looks like manufacturing is finishing this week entirely, final bills are being paid and we are looking to put the product on the ship NEXT WEEK. Fingers crossed that it won't be a long voyage! We should know more about the length of time required by next week oooor maybe the week after, but the important thing is it's getting on the ship next week some time!
Mailing to Customers
Once it arrives in the US, we will start shipping it out to backers! We MAY have to wait until after Christmas passes if the costs get too high. We are already paying heavily out of pocket since we charged everyone for shipping a year and a half ago and prices have basically doubled. We are out a very large amount unfortunately. We have had people suggest we ask the backers for more money in order to even out this charge, but personally I'm not sure how I feel about asking backers for more money to something they have already paid for so, for now we will wait and see exactly what the costs of shipping are when the product arrives in the US! Will keep you all posted!
The right side of the image above are the maps and canvases we have recently added to our store. You can order them like devoted backers have already! We are still doing our Launch Sale! 25% off the entire merch store!
Stay safe out there, everyone. Have a great rest of 2022! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please either send us a message privately, comment on this post, or message us on one of our social media platforms (Discord is the quickest for responses!)