
Airship Campaigns Physical Pledge Manager

Created by Arcane Minis

Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

7 Stretch Goals and a secret one too for 1500+ backers!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 04, 2021 at 12:01:39 AM

Well hello new and old Sordians alike! 

Thanks again to everyone who has backed this project so far! I am blown away by the support we have had support come in from friends all over the internet and it's really turning out to be a fantastic campaign. This update is just to update you one some stretch goals we have accomplished - namely the printed foldable map of Northern Bordair (one of the largest of the 9 continents of Sordane and the focal point for the majority of our current lore).

Printed Map of Northern Bordair for Printed Book Pledges

As we have reached 1500 backers, I wanted to show some gratitude for your support by providing everyone who pledges to a printed book pledge with a printed map of Northern Bordair that is foldable! It will be roughly 19 x 24.5 inches in size! Filled with all sorts of landmarks, cities, nations and terriroties. This free addition applies to the following pledges and their Early Bird alter-egos!

  • All-in
  • Book + PDF
  • Just the Book
  • Book + STLs

The map itself is being redesigned from its current iteration in the PDF to be higher quality! Everyone who has the book or PDF will get this new map in the back of their book and receive a digital download link for it.

Unlocked Stretch Goals!

Wait! That's not all!

In addition to the map, we have unlocked more STL monsters with lore and stats in the book as well as a TON of new magic items and the like.  However, one of my favourites is a brand digital world map that will show Sordane on a global scale with all 9 continents named and their main environments represent. It will also illustrate the jet streams that airships use to move fast and actual rules in the book for using them in-game!

The cursed Kildara. A wretched creature twisted from the noble race of the kildara. Sculpted by Across the Realms!

The cursed Kildara. A wretched creature twisted from the noble race of the kildara. Sculpted by Across the Realms!
The Morgius and its smaller, and vile offspring, the morgi. Ever feeding sky fungi that will swarm unsuspecting sky ships and devour their crews.

Thanks again everyone! Up and onward to more stretch goals!

Benny and the AM team

over 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 02:08:35 AM

Well.. darn!

I am good and shocked at the moment everyone! This was faster than the last campaign and we have already unlocked the Slyxi Angler from the Stretch Goals! That's brand new content for the book, new art, lore and stats as well as the STLs!

Returning Backers from the first campaign

I want to take a minute to shout out all the returning backers from the last campaign. You all are amazing and I am so very grateful for your continued support of Arcane Minis and the world of Sordane that we are growing. I want to deeply thank you all!

Showcase STLs & Mini Monster Mayhem

If you haven't seen the showcase centrepiece for this campaign yet. Check out this image below. It's the Ancient Black Arcane Dragon. Done by MiniMonsterMayhem (Lee). These 3 sculpts are currently going to be available for download from Lee's Patreon only for the month of March. Not only these 3, but Lee also does an amazing assortment of STLs every month. I know him quite well and I can honestly say - no one works hard than him. He's a machine. Please check out his Patreon, and the past stuff he has done. If it tickles your fancy, support him and download a few of our files from this campaign before it finished!

(The files should be up on MMM in a day or two!)

First & Second Stretch Goals Unlocked!

This beautiful sculpt and art was done by Austin over at Dragon Trappers Lodge. I highly recommend you all go on over there and check them out. Their sculpts are amazing and so is their value! They are a partner for this campaign!

The second stretch goal is another high-res digital ship map! It will be one of the stretch goal ships we got from the first Kickstarter campaign. I'm partial to the Cuthari Flayer ship myself, but we will leave all of these stretch goals up to the backers at the end of the campaign where everyone will get to vote on the digital maps they want to see (that get unlocked during the campaign!)

These maps are done by Alexei over at Scribbles in Space. He mostly does scifi maps for space ships and such, but they really are beautiful! And the ship he has done for us so far are just phenomenal! 

Check out his growing patreon and give him some love =)

That's all for now! I will try to keep you all as updated as possible as the campaign ggoes on. Thank you SO much for your support everyone. I cannot wait to bring you this book and all of these new creature STLs!

Stay safe everyone

Benny and the AM team