Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book
This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Partner Spotlight #2: MiniMonsterMayhem!
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 12:04:26 AM
Partner Spotlight #2: MiniMonsterMayhem!
It's time for another partnership spotlight! Partnership spotlights are where we highlight awesome creators we partnered with to bring you portions of this Kickstarter!
This time, it's MiniMonsterMayhem. MMM is run by Lee. Lee is the best. His sculpts are absolutely killer every month without fail and the sheer amount of value in each release is really mindblowing. I often don't know quite how he does it every month, but he does!. It's amazing how he crams so much value into this monthly releases that are all TOP quality STLs. His STLs are to the highest quality.
Check out MiniMonsterMayhem's April's release below. So many amazing STLs... Lee started off making amazing dragons, but has steadily increased the repertoire to include all kinds of amazing fantasy creatures and characters.
In addition to all of these sculpts, MMM will also start to be providing 5e stat blocks for the creatures going into the future. Adding a bit more crunch to the beautiful visuals!
So what did they do in the campaign?
Lee did a few of the main centrepieces for the campaign. He did the 2 dragons (Arcane and non-Arcane Black Dragons) and the 3 Grimhulk sculpts. Once you print and see these amazing sculpts, you will instantly see the quality in his sculpts.
So, if you like awesome STLs for a ridiculously low price (much like this Kickstarter), please check out MMM Patreon and show some love! They keep growing larger!
And a bit of an update here at the end, there will be a bigger update on this tomorrow. We will be having TWO pledge managers. We will be doing digital pledge fulfillment through MyMiniFactory and the physical pledge through Backerkit. I will do my very best to make this process as clear as possible, but I realise it is inherently, not ideal. There is a good reason for this and I will explain it tomorrow in the udpate in greater detail. We are looking to get the digital pledge manager up and running on Monday, Tuesday or, by the latest, Wednesday next week. That is when all of you who had digital addons and/or the PDF, will get access! More information on all of this tomorrow.
Funds Cleared
The funds from the Kickstarter have cleared and are in the bank! Nothing really changes going forward as we have already been working on updating the book content and art!
Stay safe everyone and look for the main "Pledge Manager" update tomorrow.
Benny and the AM team
Partner Spotlight #1: Dragon Trapper's Lodge
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 10:25:55 PM
Partner Spotlight #1: Dragon Trapper's Lodge
As the campaign has ended, we need to do a bit of spotlighting on our amazing STL partnerships for this campaign. We only work with people we truly love the styles of. If you like Arcane Minis, you will probably like these guys too!
First up are Dragon Trappers Lodge. They have just released their April release. You can get all of these beautiful sculpts from them if you join their Patreon this month!
The Dragon Trappers Lodge is a Patreon creating detailed pre-supported models delivered to you as stl files. Each month they release 4 new trapper characters along with 1 special mount, 5 monsters and 1 awesome gargantuan sized dragon! Plus an expanding library of throwback models! Each release includes 5e stat blocks for the monsters along with lore reguarding the character, mosnters and the Lodge itself. In addition, next month they will be adding 75mm versions of all the characters every month. When you subscribe you'll get access to an ever growing welcome pack and recieve a monthly coupon to pick up any models from previous months off their my mini factory store. There are painting contests, loyalty mdoels and polls to decide on future monsters all for only $10 a month. Their models are truly fun and unique and you wont find anything else like them out there. Head on over to the lodge to sign up and become a trapper today!
So what did they do in the campaign?
Dragon Trapper's Lodge are responsible for 2 of the earliest STL stretch goals we unlocked. The Slyxi Angler and the Suthonaur. Both beautiful sculpts with amazing concept art done by Austin, the man behind DTL! They did some truly awesome work bringing more amazing creatures to life in Sordane!
New 75mm versions of their minis!
In addition to all of the great monthly STLs, you are also getting the 75mm versions of them presupported.
The final great thing you're going to get is a map with a grid on it available for you to download and use!
We got notification from MMF that the pledges were verified and they are now processing the funds to be delivered in a week! Check back in next week some time when I will be updating all of the backers with STL addons on how they can get their files as soon as the pledge managers open (we will have 2 pledge manager - bear with us).
PaymentError? If you were one of the people who had their pledge charge fail due to issues with payment method, and you would still like to be a backer, please message me directly on Kickstarter! Thank you!
As always, if you have any questions, please ask!
Benny and the AM team
Next Steps for Airship Campaigns! Airship Print & Paint New Sponsor!
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 11:37:56 PM
Happy Monday! (Warning - Long Read Ahead!)
Well after the team and I have had a bit of a break on the weekend (not really though) and a chance to step back and breath, I can outline some of how the next few weeks will go. I will be learning more from the partners we are fulfilling with in the next few weeks though and I will give specific updates when final decisions are made!
First thing is first. I will always update the campaign with its important information here on Kickstarter. This is always going to be the place to find relevant updates to your pledge and the progress on the campaign. However, if you wish to get some help printing, have questions about lore, or just join the growing community we have, you can join around 1,700 other people on our Discord!
As most of you are aware, we have a print and paint competition currently underway. Submissions end May 31st, so all of you who added ships on as addons, will have more thna 6 weeks to complete your ships!
We just got ourselves a new sponsor! FOG MONSTER! That's right. The generous creators of Fog Monster fog machines (ummm clouds anyone?!) just launched a new Kickstarter called Deep Earth - New Vertical Tabletop RPG 3D Print Terrain. They make use of their awesome fog machines and vertically printed dungeon terrain.
These guys have not only launched an awesome new Kickstarter, but they also are sponsoring TEN Fog Monster 2 machines for the Airship Print & Paint Competition. Yes, every place from 1st - 10th will get themselves a Fog Monster2. These Fog Monster machines are perfect for creating clouds on your tables. Please check out more information on the Fog Monster here.
Real Game FX, the creators of Fog Monster 2 are sponsoring 10 Fog Monster 2s for the top 10 prizes!
Onto the Airship Campaigns Updates and Scheduling!
Enough waffling! Onto the information about the Airship Campaigns upcoming schedule for the next few weeks and further into the future!
Canadian & European Distribution Centres
I have some meetings this week with my distributors to talk about possible distribution locations in Europe and Canada to ease the shipping burden of backers in those locations. It will be a burden I take on as Arcane Minis to make it easier for our backers to get their rewards. No one likes paying high shipping rates. That I can understand! I cannot promise anything right this second, but I wanted to let you all know that it is a goal of mine and I will be talking to my fulfillment partners this week about this.
The US distribution centre is already sorted out.
Stretch Goals Development
The stretch goals will be done here and there where possible to facilitate the book being finished first. After the book is done (and the tiles and book are off to the printer) we will be finishing the other areas of stretch goals (like the PDF adventures for example). I will be sharing more about the process as we go into the future.
Upcoming Schedule
Below you will find a rough outline of how we progress from here!.
April 5th (Now)
For the next two weeks, we will be continuing work on stretch goal content, finishing core STLs, starting on stretch goal STLs, and basically just getting started on work to finish the core STLs and relevant updates to the book while the funds clear.
PAYMENTNOTICE: If you are having payment issues, please sort it out ASAP. Otherwise you won't be charged and your pledge will be lost.You would have received an email from Kickstarter if you had problems.
April 15th - Pledge Manager
LaunchingPledge Manager
On the 15th or 16th of April, we will be launching the pledge manager on Backerkit. This is when you will fill in your address survey, add on any addons your want or change your pledge to a higher tier. You will not be charged right away and your address will not be locked in. You will have about 6-12 weeks before either of those are locked in from the time the pledge manager is launched. We will send ample notifications before we lock anything in backerkit to give you plenty of notice one way or the other.
If you have any questions about this, please ask below in the comments unless it's a sensitive matter, then PM me.
Sending all STL Addons
we will be providing everyone with their selected addon STL files through MyMiniFactory (You will be sent an invite link to redeem through MMF when the files are live). These STL files are all already done and just waiting until the funds clear in the next two weeks.
Providing PDF Backers theoriginal, pre-Kickstarter PDF
We will also be allowing all PDF levels to download the current PDF in its pre-printed / pre-kickstarter form. It is important to note that this is very different from the final version, nearly all of the art will be updated along with adding another 50-70 pages of content pushing nearly 200 pages in total. It will give you all a chance to get a good look at it though before we add the new art and content and send it to the printers.
STLs and Book Content Development
Not much will change fromhow we are operating this month after the money gets cleared. We will still be working towards adding all the new stretch goal content to the book and updating the art, layout and rules here and there. We are also going to be finishing the remaining core STLs during this time.
The aim is getting the updated PDF out to people in May some time. This will be the "pre-printed" phase where you all can check out the updates from the campaign and give us your honest feedback. This will likely be pre edited version of the PDF, so there will be many working mistakes and typos - it will not be a final version.
May 1st - Releasing Core STL Files
Releasing Core STL Files
On May 1st, we will be releasing the majority of the core STL rewards and a few of the stretch goal rewards through MyMiniFactory. Eactly the same as the STL addons mentioned earlier. We always put all of our minis through test printing before release and we will be doing that over the next 3 - 4 weeks. So if you want to be a test printer to help us test printer, please fill out your application here (you must be on Discord to apply).
May / June the Pledge Manager Closes
Once we have finished updating the content of the book, we will be sending it off for test printing and then getting it back to verify the quality and approve of the final print run. After this is when the shipping, pledge and addon changes, addresses etc will be locked in and charged in Backerkit.
That's all for now everyone, expect more updates down the line and thank you all for your support while we make this project come to life! We hope you will all love this content. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Benny and the AM team
5,604 Backers!! Thank you everyone! What comes next??
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 12:00:36 AM
Final Stretch Goal Unlocked - What a campaign!
Hey everyone! I just want to give a HUGE thank you to all of you for supporting Airship Campaigns. It was truly an amazing ride and totally blew all of our expectations out of the water (or .. air?). With the immense backing we got, we can afford to add a ton of content for unlocked creatures, more lore and art into the book before it goes to print. Just awesome stuff! We also have some fun new STLs to sculpt and design for you.
We also snuck in the final Stretch Goal for the campaign. the 3rd and final PDF adventure "From Sewer to Sky". It was a close finish, but I would have unlocked this one anyway =P just like the last campaign!
Step 1 - Funds Clear
Step 1 is Kickstarter releasing the funds to us so that we can start delivering on your rewards! This process typically takes 2 weeks. During this time, some backers may have issues with their cards or payment options and this is the time where those things are rectified and dealt with by the end of the 2 weeks! If you have issues with any of that stuff, please message me directly if you can't sort it out through Kickstarter's provided means (they usually just ask you to change your credit card if it's not working). We can typically work out alternative payment issues outside of the site if necessary.
Step 2 - Surveys / Pledge Manager / File Delivery
I will have more information on late pledges and file delivery next week. There are some things I need to sort out with the distributors, Backerkit, and MyMiniFactory!
Basically, you can expect surveys, pledge managers and STL delivery to be done in some form over the next month or so. I will have much more details on this next week for you all on what products should start to be delivered when, etc.
We will be using Backerkit for pledge managing and might be using MyMiniFactory again to get files out to everyone as soon as possible! Stay tuned!
Step 3 - Development and Delivery of the Book
As it is known, the majority of the book is already finished, but we have to add a bunch more content and art to the book before it is ready to be shipped off for test printing and such. We will start working on all of this extra content and art right away!
PDF backers can expect to see an updated version of the current PDF in about a month or two. We will try to release it ASAP in order to get proper feedback from everyone, but we need to update the content first and the art. It will be a bit of a "limbo" version of the book while we complete the art and finalize decisions on the new layout and look of the book. All suggestions will be welcomed during this period, though we may not do them all!.
NOTE: We MAY decide to add all PDF backers to MMF where you will be able to access the current (and soon to be very outdated) version of the PDF which you can use while we update all of the art and content. Look in the update next week for this information!
Reward Priorities
As for which rewards are being done first and when, we will have more info on this in the coming weeks. But, to put it simply, some rewards being completed have a slightly higher priority than others. Typically we would save developing stretch goals for later, but since our Stretch Goals are so integrated into the book (lore, stats, art, etc), we will need to focus on getting all of those stretch goals started and done before we move onto printing. As such, the #1 priority is adding content to the book and PDF and simultaneously developing the remaining and additional STLs from the core files and stretch goals. The secondary priority will be getting the adventures completely finished and anything else that is not directly related to the book.
We will have more information on this stuff in the coming weeks!
Put it simply - We did it!
I want to thank you all again so very much for making this campaign even more successful than the last one. It's been truly awesome having you all along for the ride and I can't wait to get these books out to everyone! If you want to, we have a very friendly and thriving Discord community which you can join here.
Stay safe everyone, have a great weekend and look for the update coming next week! I'm gonna go get some rest now... what a month!!
If you have questions, please just ask here or send me a message on Kickstarter or Discord!
Benny and the AM team
Free STL Miniature + Adding on the Map Tiles - How to
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 12:47:06 AM
Final 24 hours!
Another main partner of the campaign has gifted us with another FREE STL miniature (that's right, another dragon!) for all STL pledge levels in the Kickstarter.
Not only that, but we will add lore, stats and art in the book and PDF for it as well. It is known as the Koi Dragon (name and lore may change once in the book). I have loved this sculpt by Lee for a long time and it makes me happy to give it to our backers as a new creature of Sordane!
I have received a lot of messages asking me how to manage pledges to add on the map tiles we are adding onto the project. Below are some simple instructions on how to manage your pledges. Adding items on doesnot affect your early bird pledges!
1. First, on themain Kickstarter page, at the top, you will see a "Manage yourpledge" button that looks like the image below.Click this and go to step 2.
2. Next,you need to click on the "Change your pledge" button. This will take you through to the pledge tiers listwhere you will see the pledge levelyou already have selected.
3. Finally, click on the pledge you have already selected again. This will take you to the addons screen where you can add or remove addons to your pledge. It will not pledge you twice or mess up your early bird. It just helps you get to the next step - addons
All of these addons will be available in backerkit after the campaign is finished, but getting them now will help us unlock stretch goals in the final 24 hours!