
Airship Campaigns Physical Pledge Manager

Created by Arcane Minis

Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Free file from Dragon Trapper's Lodge!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 12:32:19 AM

Happy 72 hour mark everyone! New Addon tomorrow for map tiles!

We are almost there and the team and I are already working to finish the STLs and get cracking on the new content for the book! We have a special addon coming tomorrow for everyone - the map tiles. Stay tuned for more information on those.

Free Mini from Dragon Trappers Lodge!

As one of our main partners for this Kickstarter (sculpting both the Slyxi Angler and the Suthonaur stretch goals), DTL has been generous enough to gift one of their cataloged STLs 100% free to all STL pledge tier backers. Not only will all the STL backers get this for free, but we will also be adding new lore, stats and art into the book for this new dragon! The Volcanic Hardscale (may have a different name in the book when it comes to writing the lore and art for it). This miniature will be distributed along with the core STL files a couple of weeks after the campaign finishes and Kickstarter has cleared the funds!

Check out their March Release still available!

The Volcanic Hardscale Lava Dragon from Dragon Trappers Lodge. Free for all STL backers

Note to all Merchant License holders - this mini is not allowed to be printed and sold under the Arcane Minis license agreement at this time

The Dragon Trappers Lodge is a Patreon creating detailed pre-supported models delivered to you as stl files. Each month they release 4 new trapper characters along with 1 special mount, 5 monsters and 1 awesome gargantuan sized dragon! Plus an expanding library of throwback models! Each release includes 5e stat blocks for the monsters along with lore reguarding the character, mosnters and the Lodge itself. In addition, next month they will be adding 75mm versions of all the characters every month.  When you subscribe you'll get access to an ever growing welcome pack and recieve a monthly coupon to pick up any models from previous months off their my mini factory store. There are painting contests, loyalty mdoels and polls to decide on future monsters all for only $10 a month. Their models are truly fun and unique and you wont find anything else like them out there. Head on over to the lodge to sign up and become a trapper today!

Check out their March Release still available!

You can still get their March Release for the next couple of days!

We really love Dragon Trappers Lodge and the look they have for their minis. I highly recommend checking them out =)

Projects We Love

Another 5e book campaign currently ending its Kickstarter is "Encylopedia". Check them out and support!

Encyclopedia is a 360-page lore book for your 5th Edition campaign, including dozens of ready-to-use cities, locations, NPCs, plot hooks, and magic items for your next game session. As a game master, you have a lot to do. Planning, writing, sometimes drawing, and much more!  We've been GMs for over 20 years and we are here to help. With this book, we wanted to offer you as much material as possible to make your job as a GM easier. Prepare your next game session or upgrade your worldbuilding by picking from the Encyclopedia’s rich contents and cook up your own unforgettable stories!

That's it for now, everyone. See you tomorrow with an update on the new map tiles addon. I am REALLY excited about it!

Benny and the AM team

$300k funded! Potential printed maps of the digital airship maps! Stretch goal PDF Adventures explained a bit!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 06:27:54 PM

We made it to $300k! Thank you EVERYONE!

Thank you so much everyone for helping this project surpass our first campaign, Skies of Sordane. The team and I are totally blown away by the support and we can't wait to enter the final 7 days of the campaign to see what the ending brings!

Recent Stretch Goals - PDF Adventures!

The most important one is our second adventure stretch goal. I'm going to take some time to tell you about these unique stretch goals and why I am so excited about them!

First of all an introduction to one of our writers on Airship Campaigns and the main writer for the 2 first unlocked stretch goal PDF adventures - Alex Pietrow. We have been working together for the last 5 months to tune the content on Airship Campaigns and plan the future of the content for Arcane Minis. 

If you'd like to support him in his own endeavours, you can check out his fledgling Patreon where he will be doing Slavic 5e adventure content. Head over there and give him some support if you're interested in slavic adventures and content. Any support he receives will be very appreciated by him

Visit Alex's Patreon for Slavic themed 5e Adventures! 

Each adventure will be designed to take your party through a number of levels. The first adventure is from 1st to 3rd and the second level will be from 3rd to 5th! We will have unique STLs for each of the adventures. Each backer that has access to the STLs stretch goals, will also receive the STLs for these adventure stretch goals. We will be trying to add all of the art and lore for the stretch goal creatures into the book for these adventures too, but if we don't get them done in time, there will still be lore, art and stats in the individual PDF downloads as well!

The adventures will be centred around using airships and exploring Sordane. You can even take the adventures and plop them down into your own homebrew worlds!

Each adventure will have some new art to go along with the lore and world building that each adventure will do. Should these be well received, we will be doing more in the future in different locations and settings all over Sordane!

I really can't wait for this adventure. It's going to be epic!

Physically Printed Airship Maps!

It has been requested by many people that we should consider doing a printed version of the digital ship maps. I have been in talks with the manufacturer to do each ship's level printed on individual 11 x 8.5 inch .4mm thick cardboard pieces that would combine to create all of the full sized levels of the 6 core ships (Rassen, Roshan, Geshtar, Shoal, Sintel and The Gleaming Shard). There are a few variables up in the air on these and a few different ways we could do them. I am looking for some feedback from our backers on what they would like to see in regards to this (or if they wouldn't want to see them at all!). Please check out the survey below to provide us with some important feedback!

The following is what we are thinking of providing

  • All ship levels will be cut to fit onto multiple 11x8.5 .4mm thick cardstock pieces with color and lamination to allow for dry-erase markers!
  • Each ship pack will have its own reusable stickers for furniture, engines, crates, desks, chairs, etc.
  • Each ship will come as a separate product in its own easy to store cardboard box (potential to have all ships in one package - see survey)

The price for this is rough at the moment, but we would be looking at a slightly more expensive price than the book for all 6 map packs combined into one pack and, if sold as individual packs (as shown in the render below), would be cheaper individually, but would add up to be more due to all of the extra packaging.

Click here to take the survey for printed Airship Maps!

This is a sample mockup - not a final product or a final look of the product. There will have to be proper development and choices made to make it as great as possible for the end users!

We have a couple of options for how the product would be created. We can either do all 6 maps in one pack with double sided pieces or we can do individual ship packs for each of the 6 ships (and possibly the stretch goal ships if it's received well). 

We also have a different couple of ways of funding this extra product. We can either do them as an addon so people can pick and choose what they want, or we can do them as a very hefty stretch goal (probably close to $100k CDN to supply them to the nearly 2500 printed book backers). 

These are all things we need to consider before we make it an offering to our backers and customers.

Please let us know  your thoughts, ideas or concerns in the comments below to help us gauge the thoughts of the backers!

Click here to take the survey for printed Airship Maps!

That's all for now everyone! We are gearing up for the end of the campaign! Should be a good one =) Thanks for everyone's continued support and faith in the project!

Stay safe out there!

Benny and the AM team

Terrordactyl STLs revealed! Arcane Minis Painting Competition
over 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 01:15:34 PM

Happy Monday everyone! We are still chugging along. Getting closer to the next stretch goal and to the final 2 weeks of the campaign. It has been great so far. Over 3,300 backers already and we are only half way through! 

A couple of updates regarding some STLs from the campaign and our Print and Paint Competition over on MyMiniFactory

The Terrordactyl STLs have been completed!

As most of you know, when we launched the campaign, not every STL was completed. But, with the success of the campaign, we have already started finishing the STLs for the core rewards and content for the stretch goals. We are full steam ahead!

These beautiful Terrordactyls were sculpted by an ex-Arcane Minis sculptor - Tsipis. He was responsible for the majority of our core crew miniatures from Skies of Sordane!

Tsipis has started his own Patreon called Across the Realms. They specialize in Forgotten Realms content of distant lands you don't often hear much about and STLs! Head on over to their Patreon and check it out for yourself.

Visit Across the Realms Patreon

Painting Competition News!

For the Print and Paint Competition, we have been getting a lot submissions and it seems as though by April 14th, we will have a ton more. But, I think my original timescale was a little short for a lot of people to get the larger ships done. As such, I have spoken with the sponsors and have decided to move the end date for submissions to May 31st 2021. This will give you all 6 weeks to get your submissions in if you are getting addon airships from this Kickstarter!

If you haven't heard about the competition, or thought you may not have had enough time, check it out again here below!

Check out the Print & Paint Competition

Have a fantastic week everyone!

Benny and the AM team

16 Stretch Goals Unlocked! Wowza!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 12:25:30 AM

The weekend is here! Huzzuh!

MiniMonsterMayhem (Lee) just released his March month of presupported STLs. With a beautifully frozen theme for this month's minis. Lee and MMM have been long time supporters and partners of Arcane Minis. We love working with them! MiniMonsterMayhem did the 2 dragons and the 3 Grimhulks from our Kickstarter! You can actually download them and print them today by subscribing to Lee's March Patreon.

Check it out if you're interested in great value and amazing sculpts.

Visit MiniMonsterMayhem's Patreon for March

MiniMonsterMayhem is consistently one of the best STL Patreons that exist. Lee is an absolute master of his craft.

Sky Jellies and Sordalite Golems galore!

And now onto so juicy stretch goals that everyone has been helping us unlock! The consistent support day by day for this campaign is astonishing. We just unlocked the Sky Jellies stretch goal making that 16 already unlocked and still more than half way to go on this campaign. Truly awesome. That's now Sordalite Golems and Sky Jellies unlocked in addition to our other amazing Stretch Goals

Sordalite Golems are mysterious creatures. No one quite knows how to replicate their creation, but on rare occasions, when a sordalite powered vessel, aparatus, or tool comes into contact with an object of opposite force, it can twist and turn the item into an voracious construct protecting its sordalite heart with all its might.
Sky Jellies roam seemingly aimless in the skies of Sordane. Travelling in massive schools. Ranging from gargantuan to small, they come in many shapes and sizes. Regardless of their size, however, travellers should remain wary.

I've lost my Fleet.. Help!

The next stretch goal will be The Lost Fleet PDF Adventure. These adventures will be all in one and take your party from level to level. There will even be some unique STLs in each of them related to the story (not to mention the STLs from this very kickstarter's core STLs as well). We will have more details about the individual adventures after the campaign is over.

Please note: The adventures are NOT printed in the book.

That's all for now! Everyone have a fantastic weekend! Please don't be afraid to ask any and all questions as usual and we will do our best to answer promptly!

Stay safe, everyone!

Benny and the AM team

14 Stretch Goals! Revealing the 3,000 backer stretch goal!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 11:55:53 PM

That's right! 14 stretch goals already and almost 3,000 backers! 

Wow. All I can say is wow! We have gotten past the initial hump of the starting of the campaign and it's looking promising. We have more stretch goals planned in the future - more STLs, Adventures, book content and art!

We unlocked the 1,500 backer stretch goal which is a printed map for all of the printed book backers! No additional cost and the shipping will not chance as it's just a thin folded map in the same package (not attached to the book!)

Now we are coming up on 3,000 backers aaaand.. yes! we have a secret goal for that one too! We are going to be doing an assortment of bases! I know a lot of you from the first campaign have been waiting a long time for these, but we are finally going to do a range of bases. They will range from 25mm - 100mm bases and have varying themes. We will likely extend this range into the future of other Kickstarters as well!

The concept art here is just for example purposes. It's not the final version of all the bases and there will be a more assorted mix in the future =)

Projects We Love!

Time to get your witchcraft on, everyone! Our friends over at Hit Point Press have their Hexbound Kickstarter ending in only 2 days!

Hexbound is a witchy supplement for 5th Edition. It gives both players and game masters all the necessary tools to add the magic of witchcraft and witches into their games.

It's been designed to be accessible to both players and game masters. All the content in the book, from witch subclasses to witchy adventures, can be used as an addition to your existing campaign or as the bedrock for a completely new witch-themed adventure!

The book offers content for both players and GMs alike, with new witch subclasses, spells, familiars, and backgrounds as well as ready-to-run, fully illustrated adventures, magical items, new creatures, and more!

Click Here to check out Hexbound and back them in their final 2 days!

Short & Sweet

That's all for now folks! Thanks for your continued support of the project! It's going to be a fantastic campaign. The team and I are looking forward to getting this marvelous tome printed and into the hands of all you awaiting it!

As always, if you have any question or concerns, I'm here to help =)

Benny and the AM team