
Airship Campaigns Physical Pledge Manager

Created by Arcane Minis

Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First STLs Released + Updated Beta PDF!
over 3 years ago – Sun, May 02, 2021 at 04:52:46 AM

Hey Everyone! Core STLs begin releasing!

The day has come to send out our first STLs! The following is a list of STLs that are being released. There will be more to follow in the coming weeks. Every core file will be delivered by the end of June 2021

  • Ancient Black Arcane Dragon
  • Ancient Black Dragon
  • Cloud Sharks
  • Cloud Skates
  • Cursed Kildara
  • Exonids
  • Feral Terrordactyls
  • Grimhulks
  • Noklura
  • Shard Drones
  • Slyxi Angler
  • Suthonaur

We have a handful of others being finished sculpts and/or being supported and test printed so there should be more files with you shortly!

Downloading Your Files

The vast majority of you have already clicked you redemption email links that you were all sent from MyMiniFactory. If you have not yet redeemed your pledge on MyMiniFactory, you should check your junk mail and/or any promotional inbox you have in your email account for this redemption link. If you still can't find it, please send me a direct message here on Kickstarter and I will send you a new link!

Airship Campaigns Beta PDF

We have just released the updated PDF. The content of this new beta PDF is nearly identical. The main changes here are visual. We have changed or replaced almost all of the art in the book that we felt was incomplete. Our lead artist, Wallok, has been slaving over updating the art for the last month since the campaign finished. Personally, I LOVE all of the new art we have been able to add. But it's not done! We still have to add in all the new stretch goal creatures, another 12 ships or so, added items, lore and other pages! It'll be around another 80 pages of art and content when all is said and done. So nearly 200 pages (or likely even a few more!)

As with above, if you have not gotten your redemption email yet from MyMiniFactory, first please check your junk mail and promotional inbox folders. If it's not there, please send me a private message here on Kickstarter and I will resend it for you!

go download the update to check out all the new visuals.!!

PLEASE NOTE: The content is currently going through heavy edits. If you would like to report some bugs or issues with the content, please join our Discord and send us a message on the Airship Campaigns channels =)

Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!

Benny and the AM team

Digital & Physical Pledge Manager Updates
over 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 05:22:51 AM

Digital Pledge Manager

The Digital Pledge Manager, after a slightly rocky start, has gone very well! We have had almost 2/3 of backers redeem their pledges on MyMiniFactory. To the remaining 2,000 unredeemed backers, I have resent the redemption links to you all. Please check your junk mail folders for these redemption email links!

Updated PDF

As many of you have found out, the old version of the PDF is ready for download! We are aiming for May 1st as the updated PDF release which will have mostly updated art and some modified layout, but not a bunch of new content (not until the end of May when we have the art finished for the new sections). If you see any errors or would like to report game play mechanics after play testing, we urge you to join the Discord and share your feedback!

Check out some of the awesome art we will be updating the PDF with!

Task Guardians going about repairs and labour work
Grimhulks surveying the destruction their terrible magic auras have wrought upon a small town
Combat Guardian doing what Combat Guardians do best - Combat!

Core STLs

The first core STLs (and a few of the stretch goal STLs) will be released on May 1st and will continued to be released until sometime in June when all of the core STLs are finished. The Stretch Goal STLs will be coming further down the line after all the core STLs are finished. All STLs will be delivered by Fall 2021.

The first STLs released should be about half of the core STLs, with another 25% or so coming a week or two later and then the final files being delivered by the end of June at the latest!

Physical Pledge Manager Update

The physical pledge manager has taken longer to get going than I wanted due to trying to make sure we get all of the shipping prices exactly right. We have had to eat shipping costs to some places in the worldto make it at least manageable for some people and we made sure to make it so that the free Rassen Assault Frigate map tile pack isn't a factor in the shipping cost you pay (if you pay X for just the book, you are paying X for the book plus the free set of map tiles). We didn't want to incur any additional shipping cost due to an unforeseen additional product!

The current plan is to put the physical pledge manager live on May 3rd!

We will also have retailer bundles for further savings for those who want to add a limited run of the books (and not limited run of the map tiles) to your brick and mortar store shelves!


Non-Airship Campaigns Related News

Next up is some non-Kickstarter related news. So if you're not interested in other projects we are working on, you can check out now. But below, we have some info regarding our upcoming board game!

We made a Board Game for Sordane!

As a large number of you know (from being members of both this Kickstarter and this one) we have been developing a board game for the last 9 month or so and are ready for beta testing!

What is this board game all about??

The game is played between 2-4 players and plays between 90 - 120 minutes (though this is one of the things we are testing!)

You will control your own troops and airships to explore the map and wage war on your opponents to collect Sordalite and explore new land. Research technologies, build settlements and destroy your opponents plans of conquest!

The final game will have a ton of beautiful Sordane art as well as unique factions with their own bonuses and unique styles of play. Right now, we are testing the bare bones of the game, but there is still a ton here to enjoy and test.

Things to Note Before You Play

So before you jump in and get signed up, it's important to note that this game is still in its development stages. While we have extensively tested and developed it, we are aware that some things may be unbalanced or too powerful / not powerful enough. We are at the point where we need feedback and suggestions from the people who will be likely playing it when it's a full fledged game!

What do we need from you?

We need constructive feedback. Whether you like something, think something should change, or just have questions about how something works, we want to hear it all. Please use the feedback form (you will see this after you apply to be a board game tester below!). Ultimately, we are looking for people to help us improve the game before we go to manufacturing and launch the future Kickstarter to bring it fully to life!

Want to participate?

Simple! Just go to the link below and sign up. In order to become a tester, you will have to sign an NDA and join the Discord server and get into our private game testing chat channels in order to set up games with other play testers (or myself!)

Sign up to take part in the Game Testing

Join our Discord Server as well!

Some screen shots and images from development!

Early days in the summer of 2020 when we were test playing the beginnings of the board game (name not yet final). Can you spot all of the cannabalized game pieces? :)
This is what it looks like from the player's perspective... but the tech is secret! There's lots of strategy and decision making in this game of exploration and war!
The boards can vary in size and arrangement depending on how many players are in the game! The experience from 2 - 4 players is very different, but still tons of fun. We are looking for feedback and discussion on every aspect of the game!
Use your armies and airships to explore and fight your battles
We have an extensive tech tree that we are constantly trying to improve and get feedback on. All suggestions are welcome!

But that's not all! Free STLs!

In addition to this beta test board game on Tabletop Simulator, we are giving away the 4 mini miniature ship STLs that we have been using for development as a bit of a perk for our devoted backers! You can find all 4 of them below and also presupported!

Download the Free Board Game Pieces

That's all for now! As usual, if you have any questions, please post them below and I will answer them as soon as I can =)

Benny and the AM team

Digital Pledge Manager Live!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 02:25:49 AM

Thank you everyone for your patience!

The digital pledge manager has now gone live. You should, or will soon, be receiving an email to notify you of this and to "redeem your pledge".

It is important to note than NO CORE STL files are available right now. Those will start to be released in early May! About 2 weeks from today. So stay tuned!

Check out the pledge manager!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure that you are using the same email address in your account as you are in your Kickstarter. Last campaign, we had MANY people who had TWO MyMiniFactory accounts and they couldn't see their rewards because they kept signing in on the wrong account. PLEASE make sure you check to see if you have more than one account. MMF will redeem the pledge on the MMF account that is LOGGED IN.

What is available right now?

Currently the following is available for download right now. If you had selected the addon from the Kickstarter, you will have them preselected

  • The 5 Core Bundles + Rassen Assault Frigate Bundle addon
  • The individual 5 Core Bundle addons
  • Monstrous Roc Addon
  • Shard Guardians Addon
  • Mechanimals Addon
  • The Beta PDF of Airship Campaigns (will be updated in early May as well) pledge reward

Additional Addons - We have since released 2 new ships and 1 new crew since the end of the Kickstarter

  • Pinnacle Luxury Yacht and the Aristocrats Crew as 1 bundle
  • Cuthari Flayers Hivemind Reaper Ship

NOTE: PHYSICAL REWARDS, but will be selected. If you had any of the physical addons, or physical pledges, it's important to note that it will SHOW in your digital pledge manager, but there will be NOTHING for you to do on the MyMiniFactory Pledge Manager in regards to your physical pledges - It's only for Digital Rewards

What about the physical pledge manager?

This is coming soon! I am trying to find the best possible, and most accurate, information for shipping. With the addition of the 6 ship map tile boxes as addons in the last few days, it made the shipping numbers and calculations a little more complicated than they were when it was just a book. As soon as we have this sorted, we will be opening the Physical Pledge Manager too =). Your patience is appreciated!

That's it for now. Please ask question below. I heavily recommend joining the Discord or Facebookcommunities to get in touch with other backers and join the community discussion

Thanks everyone <3

Have a safe weekend and please let me know if you have any questions!

Benny and the AM team

Pledge Managers - Explanation + Plan
over 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 04:21:18 AM

Thank you for your patience!

Hey everyone. The funds cleared on Friday the 16th! As such, it allows us to get the funds out to the partner services and start getting the rest of the book finished to prepare it for release.

Two Pledge Managers

As mentioned in the last update, we will be trying two pledge managers for the campaign. Backerkit will be managing the physical pledges and MyMiniFactory will be managing the digital pledges. 

You will be sent emails from both locations so make sure you don't have those sites blocked in your inbox.


The simple reason is - we want to get digital addons and products to the backers ASAP. Part of the downside to Backerkit, though there are many upsides, is that they don't off a solution where the backer is charged immediately after adding on or changing their pledge tiers. This means that we cannot provide digital files until they are paid for or the users could simply go in and change their pledge after they downloaded the files - rare, I know, but we do need to be smart about it!

As such, we will do all of the digital file distribution through MyMiniFactory. They have been vastly improving their servers and downloading even all 6 ship STL files from the addon core bundle, for example, should be pretty smooth sailing!


Well, there's the obvious downside of overcomplicating things. In the future, when we do other mixed digital and physical campaigns, I hope there is a "one size fits all" solution we can use that caters exactly to our needs, but until that day - this is what we have!

There will likely be some complications and growing pains with people understanding where they can do everything, but on launch day, I will do my best to show visual guides on where to go to do everything (upgrading your pledge, adding addons, additional books, retailer book bundles, etc).


The biggest upside is that we can get everyone their addon digital STLs immediately as soon as the pledge manager opens. Not only that, but everyone who has the digital PDF pledge tier, will also be able to access our current version of Airship Campaigns. We will be updating this PDF in about 3 or 4 weeks from now with brand new art on the majority of pages and a bit of new content while we work on the nearly 100 extra pages we ened to add before going to print.

The second upside is that you will have your STL files on MMF which is the unquestions STL library source for getting premium STLs from creators like us. You will have all of your files located in the same place.

Thank You

I want to thank you all again for your patience, support and understanding. It's going to be a great time getitng this book fulfilled and sent out to all of you as our first ever physical product (one of many, I hope!). 

If you have any questions, please ask them here! I will get to them as I can =)

Thanks all! Have a fantastic weekend!

Benny and the AM team

Partner Spotlight #2: MiniMonsterMayhem!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 12:04:26 AM

Partner Spotlight #2: MiniMonsterMayhem!

It's time for another partnership spotlight! Partnership spotlights are where we highlight awesome creators we partnered with to bring you portions of this Kickstarter!

This time, it's MiniMonsterMayhem. MMM is run by Lee. Lee is the best. His sculpts are absolutely killer every month without fail and the sheer amount of value in each release is really mindblowing. I often don't know quite how he does it every month, but he does!. It's amazing how he crams so much value into this monthly releases that are all TOP quality STLs.  His STLs are to the highest quality.

Check out MiniMonsterMayhem's April's release below. So many amazing STLs... Lee started off making amazing dragons, but has steadily increased the repertoire to include all kinds of amazing fantasy creatures and characters.

Click Here to Visit Their Patreon

In addition to all of these sculpts, MMM will also start to be providing 5e stat blocks for the creatures going into the future. Adding a bit more crunch to the beautiful visuals!

So what did they do in the campaign?

Lee did a few of the main centrepieces for the campaign. He did the 2 dragons (Arcane and non-Arcane Black Dragons) and the 3 Grimhulk sculpts. Once you print and see these amazing sculpts, you will instantly see the quality in his sculpts. 

So, if you like awesome STLs for a ridiculously low price (much like this Kickstarter), please check out MMM Patreon and show some love! They keep growing larger!

Click Here to Visit Their Patreon

Pledge Managers 

And a bit of an update here at the end, there will be a bigger update on this tomorrow. We will be having TWO pledge managers. We will be doing digital pledge fulfillment through MyMiniFactory and the physical pledge through Backerkit. I will do my very best to make this process as clear as possible, but I realise it is inherently, not ideal. There is a good reason for this and I will explain it tomorrow in the udpate in greater detail. We are looking to get the digital pledge manager up and running on Monday, Tuesday or, by the latest, Wednesday next week. That is when all of you who had digital addons and/or the PDF, will get access!  More information on all of this tomorrow.

Funds Cleared

The funds from the Kickstarter have cleared and are in the bank! Nothing really changes going forward as we have already been working on updating the book content and art! 

Stay safe everyone and look for the main "Pledge Manager" update tomorrow.

Benny and the AM team