
Airship Campaigns Physical Pledge Manager

Created by Arcane Minis

Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Arcane Minis Patreon! MyMiniFactory Sale!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Aug 09, 2021 at 02:51:41 AM

Happy Friday!

Hey everyone. We have charged cards for your backerkit accounts! If there were issues, you will receive an email from Backerkit!

For the book and PDF, we are still in layout/editing mode, so there isn't much to update about, but here is some juicy new art from the book while you wait for updates on the progress!

A shardforged spelldriver preparing for combat to prevent his ship and crew from harm.

We started a Patreon - Sordane Stories!

The first release is the "Wreck of the Pioneer" with the fabulous Minotaur Crime Boss - Savacious. Beautifully sculpted and presupported.

Check out our new Patreon!

That's right. After many, many people have sent me messages to ask if we have a patreon and that we should do a patreon, we are finally taking the plunge and trying to bring everyone some unique content partnered with a behemoth in the 5e content creating sphere - DMDave

So, how will it work?

We are providing patrons with frequently released 5e content based in the world of Sordane paired with specially sculpted STLs for use with the accompanying adventure (or in your own way!).

Each release will see an exclusive adventure for 5e set in Sordane written by the talented DMDave and his team. These adventures can be used with any setting you're using. Each release will have 1 new boss STL to use with the adventure. Each release will have different STLs. Sometimes 1, sometimes more. There will also be the occasion where we will add in some older miniature and ship STL files released alongside if they fit in the adventure! (the price on patreon will not change depending on how many STLs are released)

Painted by Steven Smith (@slsmithminipainting)
Painted by Steven Smith (@slsmithminipainting)

Is it monthly?

No, it's per pack! Our team and DMDave's have committed to making this as frequent and high quality as possible, but we need to make sure the time crunch doesn't become a factor so we are doing a "per pack" based pricing system.

This means that if we don't release anything for a couple of months, it costs you nothing. You only pay for the content you get. This allows us to create content at a more stress-free and creative pace than the typical monthly model most Patreons use.

Will the STLs be released on the MMF store?

Yes, after we release the next pack, the previous pack's STLs will have any new files uploaded to the MMF webstore, but the best price will always be on the patreon =)

Support our new Patreon!

MyMiniFactory Summer Sale - 50% off ALL STLs!

As many of you have seen, MyMiniFactory has start their summer sale. It's on until August 17th! We have joined in on this and are providing 50% off to every single STL miniature and ship on our store! Use code ARCASSALE50 at checkout to get your massive discount.

Newest member of the fleet!

We just released our 13th ship! The Zephyr Assault Frigate which is an expansion ship for the Cin'dar Navy Core Bundle from our first Kickstarter Skies of Sordane. You can grab it and all our other ships for 50% off!

The newest released ship - the Zephyr Assault Frigate

That's it for now! I will provide some more info on the PDF and book next week. The layout is taking a little longer than anticipated, but we will have new info for you soon! =) Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Benny and the AM team

Final Core File Released! Locking Orders on Sunday
about 3 years ago – Sun, Aug 08, 2021 at 11:18:17 PM

All Core STL files released!

We now have the final 2 files released. The Skarrow Class Shard Guardians! With these two files and the final PDF coming soon, we are nearly ready for book production and completing the stretch goal STLs and moving onto the stretch goal adventures! =)

Visit your Library to download!

An image with the last two STLs of the Skarrow Class Guardians along with the Rassen Assault Frigate (one of our many airships) and a hanful of other, now relatively smaller, STLs. Aside from our airships, these are 2 of the largest minis we have produced!

Locking Orders on Sunday night for the Physical Products

Surveys are being locked on Sunday night August 1st. There are about 250 of you who have no yet filled in your surveys. To check if you have or not yet, please visit this link and use your Kickstarter email to check the survey status! I've been sending out emails regularly to fill in your survey ONLY to those who have not filled it in. If you're sure you filled it in and you haven't been getting emails, you don't need to worry about it.

What if I forget to fill in my survey? Will I not get my book? 

No, you will 100% get the book and products you have paid for. If you do not lock in your order in time, you will have a chance to receive it. But you will eventually have to fill in your information and pay for shipping. Your book will soon be manufactured though, so please make sure you fill in your surveys as soon as possible.

Digital Pledge Manager Closing August 15th!

This will be the last chance to get the mega discounted addons from Skies of Sordane and pledge levels for Airship Campaigns STLs. Visit the digital pledge manager here in order to check out the deals. Only a couple of weeks left. 

Benny and the AM team

Orders Locked! Charging Cards Friday August 6th!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Aug 06, 2021 at 10:21:39 AM

Orders Locked! Charging Cards Friday August 6th!

Just wanted to say thank you to you all for backing our ambitious 2nd Kickstarter. We have locked in the orders for the physical books and maps! So everyone who submitted your survey, thank you!

Can I change my shipping address?

Yes! you will be able to change your addresses up until just before we ship out (likely a month or so before we actually start shipping). So you can still log into your Backerkit and change the survey for your address!

When are you charging cards?

We are charging card this Friday, August 6th! Please make sure your chosen payment option is valid and prepped! We have a large chunk of cash to dish out for the shipping costs when the time comes so we need to make sure you've all got your addons and shipping costs paid for =)

When is the final version of the PDF being released?

Currently, we are finalizing the layout and then we will be doing one more pass of editing before we are fully ready to release the PDF to the masses and send it to the manufacturer to get the samples made! It should be ready for download this month though! (hopefully sooner rather than later in the month!). I will update everyone as soon as it's ready.

When is the planned delivery for the book?

The book and the map tiles are still slated to be delivered in December of this year!

When are the PDF adventures + 5 additional high-res ship maps be done?

Now that the book and the map tiles are nearing completion, our content team will be redirecting to work on the adventures and new ship maps in the stretch goals! Expect them over the next few months =)

When will the stretch goal STLs be finished?

We will be finishing the final STLs in the next couple of months! The Canyon Hessats and Sorcats are almost finished and then we will only have a handful left to do =)

Any further questions or curiosities, please let us know!

Benny and the AM team

2 weeks away from locking orders!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 09:27:19 AM

Almost there!

Hey everyone! Hope you're all have a fantastic summer so far. We have been busy at Arcane Minis getting the final two core STL files done (the MASSIVE Skarrow Class Guardians) and finishing up some more stretch goal STLs as well as a bunch of airships from the first campaign AND, last but not least, all of the new content for the PDF. We will be up past 200 pages by the time all of the content gets in there with all the new art. This thing is truly becoming something I'm immensely proud of and so happy for the team as they have all been working super hard to get this all finished up.

The artwork for The Void Dragon that we generously received as a free STL from our friends at Dragon Trapper's Lodge for this campaign! We are adding Sordane lore + stats to the PDF and the book!

So what's left to do?

  • We need to add about 30 more pages into the final layout of the PDF
  • Then we go for our final round of content editing and finalize all of the layout and art order decisions
  • After ALL that is done, I will look at it for a few days to make sure everything is as I want it to be
  • Then we will send it off to the manufacturer to get the samples (I will share pics of these when I receive them so we can hype y'all up a bit more haha)

And finally, we will be sending everything off to the manufacturer, out of our hands, and fully going along the process to get you all your hard back copies of Airship Campaigns! I am so so so happy this project has turned out the way it has and so very grateful for all of your support and continued patience while we get this stuff finished!

Here's a sneak peak of the art for Ezdon, the Jewel of Bordair, from the new content in the book! You may notice in the middle of Ezdin is Haggler's Court. Which you may recognise from art already in the book. We are expanding on Ezdin lore in a BIG WAY thanks to one of our stretch goals. 

The massive city of Ezdin protected by it's immensely powerful Sky Halo - powered by Lilidan's Heart. The largest sordalite crystal ever discovered... so far

Locking Orders on August 1st!

The time has come to start locking orders. There are just over 300 of you who have not locked your order in yet. I really recommend you all do this as soon as possible. 

To verify if you have filled it in or not, please go here and have your survey sent to you (use the same email address you use on your Kickstarter please!)

This will be your last chance to get the hard copy of Airship Campaigns, we WILL be ordering extras, but it will not be reprinted (at least not aaaany time in the near future, and likely never), so if you want it, get it now by adding it onto your pledge via the link above!

If you do not lock your order in time, fear not. you will continue to have the chance to fill in your survey and go through the process, but you will not be able to modify your order (ie, add things on).

If you want to grab some of the digital addons (STLs/PDF) you can do so here:

Charging Cards (first week of August)

We will charge the cards on Backerkit (shipping, extra addons, etc) 1 -2 weeks after we lock the orders, I will have a definite date for you on the day that we lock the orders (it will likely be 1 week after, but could be 2 - I will let you all know!)

Full PDF Delivery - (mid August most likely)

As soon as I send the full book to the manufacturer to get the samples, we will release the fully updated PDF to all PDF level backers at the same time! It is about at that time that the digital pledge manager will be closed as well (There will be a notice for this as well - it will be last chance for getting the addon bundles at our very low prices).

Final tease of some of the new art we are putting into the book! A massive sordalite golem contemplating its existance with it's woodland friends...

Final Core STLs are coming soon! (End of July!)

The final 2 STLs, the Skarrow Class Shard Guardians, will be delivered near the end of July. They are both fully finished now and being supported. We will test them for a bit and then release them when they are ready! They are gargantuan creatures, but you know us here at Arcane Minis, we like to go big with things and so their bases are slightly bigger than the customary 100mm / 4 inch gargantuan size for miniature bases. Theyre about 110mm in diameter. The heights for each of them are 23cm for the shorter one and 29cm for the taller one!

That's a 32mm shardforged artificer in its hand for scale... yeah, they're big! And they will be printable on all small resin printers as well =)
These things are big, presupported, and ready to impose their master's will on whoever they deem worthy to suffer their wrath.

That's it for now everyone! So hyped to get this book and PDF out to everyone very soon!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Benny and the AM team

Complete Surveys + PDF Update
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 02, 2021 at 04:42:22 AM

Hello everyone! 

Time for another campaign update! The good news (actually we only have good new) is that the new and revised content has been finished and we are now going through the process of editing and laying all of it with the new art into the book. The total page count will be jumping from about 120 to about 210. So we are almost doubling the content of the book thanks to just the stretch goals. Unbelievable. It has been very fun to get to write new content and make new art for the book. So thank you all again!

The final PDF was supposed to be released on July first, but the extra content has taken us much longer to properly sort though and balance than we originally expected. SO, we are going to push that by about a month before we upload the finished version of the PDF. By the end of July, the PDF will be finished and the core STLs (we only have the skarrow guardians left to deliver in the core files) will be delivered! At that point it's just about getting the book made!


If you would still like to add on more books to your pledge or the map tiles, you can do that by going to the physical pledge manager below

Add on Physical Products Here

PREORDER PHYSICAL BOOK (You can also add these on in the pledge manager link above)

If you didn't back the physical book, you can either add it on in your Backerkit Survey or you can preorder it from the

Preorder Store


If you would like to jump on any of the digital items, you can do so by logging into your MyMiniFactory account and then adding them on in the digital pledge manager

Add on Digital Products Here


The deposit for the manufacturing was paid last month and they are just waiting on us to finish the content and send it over to them. We should be ready to send it to them by the end of the month when they will create the test copies and send them to me for review. I will take pics of them when they arrive so you all can see what we are dealing with. I am SUPER hyped for this. The manufacturing and delivery process is not going to be super speedy, but we are still on track for December delivery at this time for the physical products!

Surveys - Get em done please!!!

There are still over 300 of you who have no completed your surveys. I resent the reminders to everyone who hasn't done it yet, PLEASE check your junk mail for these emails everyone. You MUST complete your surveys by the end of July. 

We are likely going to be closing the orders at the end of July, so you will have a chance to change your addresses, but you will not have the chance to add any more addons at the Kickstarter prices after the end of the month. Get it done now while the getting is good! I will send out a 2 week notice to everyone before we lock the orders and you cannot change them. And then another notice 1 week out and 1 finally 24 hours before.


The printed book is a limited offer. We will be ordering extras from the manufacturer to bring the overall cost per book down and to sell on our new ecom store, but after they are gone, they will be gone forever. The PDF will still be sold online.

Map tiles will be restocked occasionally and continually sold, but at full retail prices. Get them now for cheap if you want them! They are all dry erase and reusable sticker sheets with them.

  • JULY 31st 2021 - All physical book & map tiles preorders and addons + surveys comleted by end of July 2021
  • JULY 31st 2021 - Full PDF will be delivered at the end of July to all PDF backers - It will be for sale forever after the book is printed
  • AUGUST 2021 - Full scale manufacturing will start in August sometime - more updates on this when we release the full PDF. 
  • AUGUST 2021 - We will begin the stretch goal adventures in August.
  • NOV / DEC 2021 - Delivery of the printed book and map tiles will start in November / December

Printed Map Sneak Peak

A map of Northern Bordair printed for every physical book backer! All PDF and book backers also will get this map as a digital download! =)

A map of Northern Bordair printed for every physical book backer! All PDF and book backers also will get this map as a digital download! =)

Thanks everyone! As always, if you have any questions please post them here and I will get to them when I can and answer as best I can!

Benny and the AM team