Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book
This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Complete Surveys + PDF Update
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Jul 02, 2021 at 04:42:22 AM
Hello everyone!
Time for another campaign update! The good news (actually we only have good new) is that the new and revised content has been finished and we are now going through the process of editing and laying all of it with the new art into the book. The total page count will be jumping from about 120 to about 210. So we are almost doubling the content of the book thanks to just the stretch goals. Unbelievable. It has been very fun to get to write new content and make new art for the book. So thank you all again!
The final PDF was supposed to be released on July first, but the extra content has taken us much longer to properly sort though and balance than we originally expected. SO, we are going to push that by about a month before we upload the finished version of the PDF. By the end of July, the PDF will be finished and the core STLs (we only have the skarrow guardians left to deliver in the core files) will be delivered! At that point it's just about getting the book made!
If you would still like to add on more books to your pledge or the map tiles, you can do that by going to the physical pledge manager below
If you would like to jump on any of the digital items, you can do so by logging into your MyMiniFactory account and then adding them on in the digital pledge manager
The deposit for the manufacturing was paid last month and they are just waiting on us to finish the content and send it over to them. We should be ready to send it to them by the end of the month when they will create the test copies and send them to me for review. I will take pics of them when they arrive so you all can see what we are dealing with. I am SUPER hyped for this. The manufacturing and delivery process is not going to be super speedy, but we are still on track for December delivery at this time for the physical products!
Surveys - Get em done please!!!
There are still over 300 of you who have no completed your surveys. I resent the reminders to everyone who hasn't done it yet, PLEASE check your junk mail for these emails everyone. You MUST complete your surveys by the end of July.
We are likely going to be closing the orders at the end of July, so you will have a chance to change your addresses, but you will not have the chance to add any more addons at the Kickstarter prices after the end of the month. Get it done now while the getting is good! I will send out a 2 week notice to everyone before we lock the orders and you cannot change them. And then another notice 1 week out and 1 finally 24 hours before.
The printed book is a limited offer. We will be ordering extras from the manufacturer to bring the overall cost per book down and to sell on our new ecom store, but after they are gone, they will be gone forever. The PDF will still be sold online.
Map tiles will be restocked occasionally and continually sold, but at full retail prices. Get them now for cheap if you want them! They are all dry erase and reusable sticker sheets with them.
JULY31st2021 - All physicalbook & map tiles preorders and addons + surveys comleted by end of July 2021
JULY31st2021 - Full PDF will be delivered at the end of July to all PDF backers - It will be for sale forever after the book is printed
AUGUST 2021 - Full scale manufacturing will start in August sometime - more updates on this when we release the full PDF.
AUGUST 2021 - We will begin the stretch goal adventures in August.
NOV / DEC 2021 - Delivery of the printed book and map tiles will start in November / December
Printed Map Sneak Peak
A map of Northern Bordair printed for every physical book backer! All PDF and book backers also will get this map as a digital download! =)
Thanks everyone! As always, if you have any questions please post them here and I will get to them when I can and answer as best I can!
Benny and the AM team
Print & Paint Competition! PDF + Book News
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 01:59:17 AM
Airship Campaigns Nearing Completion
The additional content, creatures, art and lore is almost finished for the book everyone! And that means we will be sending the files off to the manufacturer soon for test printing and approval. As soon as that gets sorted, we will be moving into mass production and the ball will officially be ROLLING!! Woohoo! I will update everyone on the final product in July when the PDF will be ready for distribution with all of its new content!
Print & Paint Winners!
Hey everyone! So sorry for the delay. It was just SO difficult to pick the winners. Know this, the team and I are absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the submissions from everyone. And I have learned A LOT during this print and paint competition. Namely among the things learned is - we need categories next time! It was clear that the larger ships were harder for people to print and paint within the time frame and so, next time, we will have a better category system for ship classes, scenes, paint only specifics, and overall winners. The next one will be amazing!
Since it was so hard to pick our top 10, we are going to give consolation Amazon Gift cards worth $100 each to the 10 runner ups as well from places 11th - 20th. These ships just take so much love and attention to print and paint, I think it's only right. I just wish I could give prizes out to everyone who entered =(.
If you are not in the top 20, please know that we appreciate your submission so much. It was SO much fun looking through each and every submission, reading the lore blurbs and explanations you all put on each entry and just seeing our ships come to life through your eyes and skills! Thank you EVERYONE who entered your beautiful pieces of art!
Honestly, I wish I could pick 20 more people to award prizes to. And the next competition, the prizes will be even better, you can be sure of that! With more categories including miniatures, monsters, ships, scenes, etc. It's going to be epic!
Congratulations to all of the winners. Please expect contact this week through email from Arcane Minis. You will have 4 weeks to respond and get your prizes sorted out (shipping addresses needed for those with physical prizes).
Thanks everyone!
Roshan Cruiser High-Res Maps Released! Painting Competition
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 03:43:42 AM
Roshan Cruiser High-Res Map!
Hey everyone. Well, the final high-res map is now ready for release! It has been added to the map packs! If you have access to the Airship Campaigns PDF, you will find it in the "Airship Campaigns - PDF" object on MyMiniFactory with the other ship maps. If you're a Airship Campaigns physical book only backer, you will find it in the "Airship Maps - Airship Campaigns Core High-Resolution Maps" Object. Here are a couple of the decks as a sampling with their grid! (non grid files are there too!)
Painting Competition Winners Announced Next Week!
Apologies on the delay for the painting competition winners, everyone. We have been so slammed with getting the Airship Campaigns additional content sorted and edited that we've been a bit hectic!
The winners will be announced and contacted on our update next Friday! Again, I apologize for the delay of the winners being selected. I want the team and I to have the right amount of time to look over all of the entries and give them all a good look!
That's it for now! Be safe everyone!
Benny and the AM team
Book and STL Updates! Please fill in your surveys!
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Jun 07, 2021 at 07:20:40 AM
Happy Friday Everyone!
First things is first, pleasefill in your Backerkit surveys there are still over 500 backers who have not completed their surveys. So please check that out! I have just resent reminders to all backers who have yet to fill out their survey and complete any addons they may want =)
Don't forget we have a tracker for all of the items being worked on and to be delivered
Well, we are nearing the completion of all of the additional content for the PDF and the printed book. It'll be another 80-100 pages added to the book by the end of everything! Currently we are doing the following:
Updating, correcting and streamlining the stat blocks from the current creatures, ships, items, and systems in the book
Finishing the new lore, art and stat blocks for all of the new creatures and ships being added
Finishing and editing the new magic items, bionics, firearms, etc being added to the book
Doing the art for the North Bordair map (this is the one that will be printed and given for free to all printed book backers) and the worldwide continent with the jet streams mechanics and lore.
Finishing the editing of the entire book and really upping the quality level of the content to something we can be fully proud of.
There is more than this, but it's all rather boring! Everything should be finished and released in PDF format by early July. It may not be the final final version of the PDF, but it will be nearly there and almost ready to send off for printing! Very exciting stuff!
Final High-Res Core Ship Map Coming Next Week!
The Roshan is finally finished for its high-res digital map version (this is also the map that will be turned into the map tiles we are selling as addons!) Here are some teases for the maps! =)
Again, ALL PDF and Printed Book backers have access to the high-res digital maps!
STL Releases & Updates
We have almost all of the core STL files released already. The only 2 left are the 2 Skarrow Class Shard Guardians! They are being worked on now and will be out by July!
We are releasing another stretch goal STL today as well. That means we only have about half of the stretch goal STLs to deliver too! We are right on schedule. Today, we are releasing the Morgius and its Morgi! The stats for this, like the other stretch goal STLs, will be in the book and PDF!
That's all for now everyone! More updates coming next week. Please don't forget to complete your surveys!
Benny and the AM team
Print & Paint Competition Has Ended!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Jun 02, 2021 at 12:03:17 AM
The Print & Paint Competition is over!
We did it! After months of printing, we have had over 110 entry submissions into the print and paint competition. Totally shocked with the stunning amount of entries!
We will be judging them over the next 1 - 2 weeks to come up with all 10 winners! Good luck to everyone who entered and thanks to all those who submitted all of these beautiful pieces of artwork.
What's Next?
Once we have announced the winners, I will contact every winner by email and send them a message on MyMiniFactory. Each winner will have 2 weeks to acknowledge and provide the requested information (shipping will be covered by Arcane Minis / our partners, but each winner will be responsible for any duties applicable to their country of residence).
We will do another post and showcase all of the winners in another post!