
Airship Campaigns Physical Pledge Manager

Created by Arcane Minis

Please visit the following link for more information on the Airship Campaigns hardcover book This is the ONLY print run of this book. It's a limited edition print and will never be ordered again.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Play while we wait? Aldarra Reborn Playtesters
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 11:25:55 AM

Aldarra Reborn - Playtesters wanted!

Hello everyone! hope you all had a great weekend with lots of rest. While we wait for the final edits of the PDF and the final STL stretch goals to be finished, we want to invite you all to become playtesters for our upcoming boardgame Aldarra Reborn.

Here is a reminder of the Airship Campaigns schedule this month for the printed book finally finishing up and being sent to the manufacturer for sampling!

  • October 4th: Airship Campaigns PDF Released (99% done).
  • October 5th - October 15th: We will receive feedback and reviews from the community. We have spent many many maaaany hours pouring over this book's content and we are extremely proud of it, but we are still human (even though our editing and writing teams are amazing), so we would like to invite you submit any feedback you have regarding the content
  • October 16th - October 19th: We will apply any feedback we receive that is viable for changing in the book before we send it away for sampling
  • October 20th: We send the book off for sampling from the manufacturer and await the samples! As soon as we receive them, we will provide images and status of it all to you, the backers!


We are non-stop at Arcane Minis these days working on multiple projects for 2022 and finishing our last to Kickstarters which are both almost done!

As most of you know, we pushed the launch date of Aldarra Reborn from Nov 2021 to Jan/Feb 2022. This is because we are looking to polish the game even more than we have it already to really deliver a phenomenal product. 

A bit about the game.

The Aldarra Reborn base game will have around 150 airship and settlement miniatures included in the core box. We plan on doing expansions for new races as well. The game is played on a large table of hexagonal tiles. Each player takes turns moving their ships around to neighbouring tiles to explore or engage in combat to collect sordalite crystals and gain victory points to ultimately triumph over their opponents. The miniatures included in Aldarra Reborn will be of the highest quality possible as we really love focusing on what we do best - miniatures. 

Will we have STLs as well for the board game?

For those of you asking "What about STLs?". Yes, we will have an STL only pledge level (completely removed from the game) as well as an STL + Game box as well (basically all the components without the miniatures so you can print them yourself). There will be more information released on this later, but generally speaking - there will be a tier for everyone!

Check out 4 of the STLs with their faction insignia below (5 ships for each faction). With the nearly finalized colours of the pieces.

Here are the 4 faction logos along with their associate dreadnoughts. Dreadnoughts are the most powerful ships in the game. The can pack quite a punch and can take a beating before they go down.


We did playtesting with the community several months ago when we were in an earlier version of the game. We are nearly finished making decisions on fundamental mechanics of the game and balance is now a key element we need to consider. As such, we are starting a new playtest program. Except this time, play testers will be compensated with a free copy of the core game (excludes any expansions - playtesters will be responsible for shipping costs).

What are we looking for from our playtesters?

The main thing we want are for people to play, and finish games, with 3-4 players. The more detailed feedback is, the better. We are looking for patterns of imbalance or problematic mechanics in the game. And, of course, we want to know if you had fun playing it! 

Everyone who playtests will need Tabletop Simulator on Steam. This is where the development version of the game is being played and tested.

We know that Tabletop Simulator isn't the most fun way to enjoy board games, but this is the best method for testing we have at the moment due to the restrictions of covid and such. 

What's the Playtesting timeline?

We will be looking for people to playtest this rather quickly in the start. The most useful feedback will be provided in the month of October before we make any final decisions on core elements of the game. As such, the compensation program will run only until November 30th 2021. You will still be able to play test and enjoy the game on Tabletop Simulator past this date, but if you want a free copy of the game, your reviews and feedback will need to be submitted by this date. 

A sampling of what the in-game looks like on Tabletop Simulator. Not the prettiest atm, but that's all we need for testing! The final game is going to be gorgeous =)

Compensation Program?

That's correct! All playtesters, provided they meet the requirements, will receive a free copy of Aldarra Reborn. What will you have to do to get a free copy of the game? Well, it's pretty simple. You will have to provide 5 filled in feedback forms in order to qualify for a free game. We will be reading every review. Please be as detailed and specific as you can for each review. 


How do I sign up?

Step 1 - Sign up for the playtesting program: You will first have to fill in the form as a playtester. You can find the sign up page here

Some of you may already have signed up and gone through this form. If you have, and you are already in the playtesting channel on Discord or have access to the game

Sign Up Link

Step 2 - Follow the Email Instructions: Once you sign up, you will be sent an email from the Forever Stoked website (our development partners on Aldarra Reborn). It will provide you with a sign in link which will provide you access to the game files and a link to the rules.

Step 3 - Play!: Now all you need do is install the Steam workshop mod for Tabletop Simultator (link in the email mentioned from Step 2). You can find others to play with if you join our Discord Once you sign up from Step 2 and join the Discord, simply post a message in the aldarra-reborn-public channel that you would like to gain access to the internal playtester channels

Join Discord

Step 4 - Feedback: Once you have played a game, can be with friends or strangers from the Discord server, please provide feedback on the feedback form which you can find here. All compensation will be relied upon this form. You need to provide 5 separate feedback entries to qualify and the email address from your sign up in Step 1, needs to be the same you are using for entering form submissions or we won't know who you are. Also, please keep in mind, in order to prevent abuse, we will be scrutinizing the entries from each person. 

Feedback Form

And that's it! Go forth and play! All qualifying play testers will receive their copy along with the backers of the Kickstarter. Also backing the Kickstarter doesn't disqualify you from also getting your free copy to perhaps give to someone else!


DISCLAIMER: Fake feedback is likely going to be a thing, but we reserve the right to not send a copy of the game to a playtester should we determine their feedback to be insincere or false. Submitting a form just to count towards your submissions won't be acceptable. Each playtester should be playing the game 5 separate times and providing feedback on each experience to quality for their free copy of Aldarra Reborn. 

Ultimately, we believe in the good faith of our backers and their ability to provide considerate and relevant feedback. You don't have to write an essay, just as long as the feedback is relevant to your playtesting experience, it's sufficient and qualifies as one of your 5 playthrough submission


That's it for now everyone! Hope to see you all in the TTS some time! I will definitely try to get a few games in with playtesters when I can as well

Benny and the AM team

Airship Campaigns PDF Released!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 05, 2021 at 08:32:02 PM

Airship Campaigns PDF is HERE!

Click here to the Airship Campaigns PDF!

Hello all! First off, thank you all for your patience. It's definitely been quite the adventure adding stretch goal content to the book since the end of the campaign. I personally have learned a lot as has the entire team! 

It has taken us a little more time than we had hoped, but we are just about ready to send off the book to the manufacturer for sample printing!

I'm sure a lot of you were wondering why there was not update after the last one! We had some issues with getting the editor and graphics layout teams to schedule their time altogether in September which really put a wrench in the works for a few weeks. Happily though, we are now releasing the PDF in a 99% ready state. We have some small layout and function changes to make in the next week or two while we prep for sampling, but the book is practically finished and we want to get it out to all of you so you can provide us with some feedback! Please remember this is not 100% final yet. There may be some blank spaces here or there, but it will all be fully considered before we go to print!

Airship Campaigns Bug/Error Form

How will it work from here?

  •  October 4th: Airship Campaigns PDF Released (99% done).
  •  October 5th - October 15th: We will receive feedback and reviews from the community. We have spent many many maaaany hours pouring over this book's content and we are extremely proud of it, but we are still human (even though our editing and writing teams are amazing), so we would like to invite you submit any feedback you have regarding the content 
  •  October 16th - October 19th: We will apply any feedback we receive that is viable for changing in the book before we send it away for sampling
  •  October 20th: We send the book off for sampling from the manufacturer and await the samples! As soon as we receive them, we will provide images and status of it all to you, the backers!

Airship Campaigns FAQs -----

Is the book going to be delivered in December 2020? Unfortunately no. Since we unlocked so many stretch goals, we will have to delay the delivery date for a couple of reasons:

  • The additional content took a bit longer than we originally planned for it to take when setting out the goals of the Kickstarter. This not entirely avoidable, though we definitely did the best we could during planning the campaign to make it reasonable.
  • We hit some road blocks in the process of the additional content such as scheduling of some of the team members, holidays, and other items.

When will the final STLs be coming out? We have them all underway now with either concept art or sculpting. We should have all of the STLs out by the end of the year.

When will the additional high-res digital maps be out? We should have 1 more finished by the end of the year at least and then we will be steadily getting through them from there. They are a relatively lower priority for us right now until all the STLs, book and map tiles are done.


Aldarra Reborn

An update on the next Kickstarter! We have decided to push back the launch date of Aldarra Reborn until early 2022 (Jan or Feb). The original plan was to launch in November, but we wanted to work on the game a bit and really fine tune things before we launch. We aren't in a rush with that one as it has been in development for over a year now and it's really turning into something we are proud of. I hope you all will love it. 

If you're interested in the game or the minis, please follow the Kickstarter campaign to get notified when we go live next year! Check out the largest minis from the game currently slated to be about 4 inches in length each. Colors, sizes and designs are not final =).

Some of the largest ships in all of Sordane - dreadnoughts are capable platforms for sustained engagements.
Each of the 4 core factions has their own uniquely designed dreadnought miniatures. You'll all be familiar with the Arrodan Syndicate's Geshtar of course!

Click here to get notified when we go live on Kickstarter!

Aldarra Reborn FAQs ----

  •  What will the cost be? We are still working out the retail cost of the game. There's a lot of minis in it and a lot of beautiful art and components. We are going to try our best to make it as affordable as possible with as much quality you would expect from a premium board game.
  •  Will there be a pledge level to print your own minis? Yes! We will have a pledge for a version of the game with everything in it except the miniatures and provided with presupported STLs. This will save you some money so you can forego the manufactured minis to print your own!
  •  Will there be a pledge level just for the STLs? Yes! While we are really trying to focus on making a fully compact game for people to play with their friends and family, we know a large number of our previous backers have no such interest in board games, but would love addition STLs! We will have that there for you!

That's all for now, everyone! Please fill in the Airship Campaigns Bug/Error Form if you have found any issues or inconsistencies and we will check them all out! Thanks so much!

Benny and the AM team

PDF coming soon! New STLs and 2nd Patreon Release!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 05:55:24 AM

Lots of updates today!

Hello there everyone! Hopefully you all had a great weekend. We have some Monday surprises for you!

1. PDF is coming within the next week or so

2. Canyon Hessats (Stretch Goal STLs) are ready

3. New board game - Aldarra Reborn coming soon

4. 2nd Patreon Release coming on Friday!

5. FREE STL from MiniMonster Mayhem

1. PDF Coming Soon!

That's right! We are finally nearing the corner on having the full 200 page PDF delivered to you. We are getting it back from the editor today and we will do one more final pass of the layout and then release it to the masses for about a week or so before we send it off to the manufacturer for sampling! Manufacturing is just around the corner. I can't tell you all how excited I am to finally have this coming to fruition! It's simply amazing and you have all made it possible.

2.  Canyon Hessats (Stretch Goal STLs) are ready

One of the final stretch goals - the Canyon Hessats are here! 

Download the Canyon Hessats now (all STL pledge levels)

3. New board game - Aldarra Reborn coming soon

Have you downloaded the free STL we are giving away prior to the launch of the board game - Aldarra Reborn? If not, check out the Kickstarter page and then head on over to our website to download your free STL of the Flint Class Engineer ship from the Cin'dar Navy Faction

note: This board game will be fully provided. If you don't have a 3D printer or you don't want to print them, you don't have to. The 3D printable files will be an option for those who would like to save a bit on cost by printing their own minis =)

Check out the KS Prelaunch page here

4. 2nd Patreon Release coming on Friday!

The second Patreon release from our newly launched Patreon is coming out on Friday! For those who didn't know, we teamed up with the ever popular DM Dave to bring you frequent adventures you could play in Sordane with accompanying STLs to print and go along with the adventure. Did you miss the first release? Sign up now to get the first release "Wreck of the Pioneer" and the accompanying STL - Savacious, the minotaur crime boss until Friday, September 17th!

On Friday, the files for the Wreck of the Pioneer will be removed and moved onto other platforms for sale.

Support us on Patreon!

Get our first release, Wreck of the Pioneer, until September 17th when the new one comes out!

Get the first release until Friday the 17th!
Sign up now for the release on Friday the 17th!
A 5e adventure written by DM Dave! This one's a doozie!

Check out the 2nd release below! We know many of you may have the exonids already in this release, but we have added a bunch of new STLs as well. Including acid firing marines, specially trained in hunting exonids, a peculiar shardforged druid and his truster giant rat mount, and a wingless couatl... =O

5. FREE STL from MiniMonster Mayhem

And finally, but certainly not least, we have a free STL for all backers (STL and non STL). Our friend Lee over at MiniMonsterMayhem has graciously provided us with a beautiful shardforged ranger riding a mechanical steed. Perfect for your adventures in Sordane! Not only that, but MiniMonsterMayhem's entire release this month is steel themed. Lots of these beasties could fit your Sordane campaign!

Download the Arcane Iron Stallion here

Check out MiniMonsterMayhem's Patreon Here

That's all for now, folks!

Benny and the AM team

Production Update & Free STL for our next Kickstarter!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 04, 2021 at 01:20:00 AM

Production Update!

What's new?

Happy September everyone! Time for a quick update. You'll all be glad to know that we have finished the layout and the book will be coming out to about 210 pages total! Pretty massive from the 40 pages we planned for the PDF back in the first Kickstarter campaign! Thank you again to everyone who had supported Arcane Minis over the last year and a half giving us our beginnings! We are already moving into a new realm of products - board games (more on that in a second).

What stage is it in?

The book is currently going through its final phase of editing, then we will pass over it one more time for layout and art and then release the PDF! We plan on having the PDF up for about a week before we send it off to the manufacturer for sample printing just in case we missed any glaring issues that we can tweak before we finalize everything. I must say, it's very stressful knowing that once it goes to print, it can't be change. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a dream come true. So, thank you all again for allowing us to make things we love (and we hope you will love too!)

When will the PDF be released then?

Well, we are aiming for next Friday, but that may get pushed a little bit depending on how long the editing takes and the extra layout changes we need to implement. I will update everyone next Friday on the progress regardless of whether it's ready or not.

Thanks for the support again everyone, the extra 80 pages of content are finally finished and the final PDF is nearly here!

Aldarra Reborn - FREE STL!

Our 3rd Kickstarter is coming soon. Things are really ramping up!

As is customary with our Kickstarters by now, you can download one of the game pieces for free just by going to our main website and filling in the email field. The free ship mini we have for you this time is the Cin'dar Navy's Flint Class Engineer Ship! The engineers are a class of ship that, in Aldarra Reborn, allow you to construct and capture buildings on the map. More info on this later!

Why an STL? Isn't this a boxed board game?

Yes! It certainly is a fully contained board game with plastic injection molded minis and everything. The catch is, we are also doing an option where you can get all of the contents of the game with NO miniatures inside and print them out yourself. There will also be the option to ONLY get the STLs and not support the board game if it's something that doesn't interest you! More info on how this will all work later as well!

Click here to download the free Flint Class Engineer

Each of the 4 factions in the game will have their own style of ships! This free file is an engineer class ship which is required for constructing and capturing buildings!

What's Aldarra Reborn going to be about?

I'm glad you asked! As many of you may already know (or have played as test players in the past), Aldarra Reborn is about controlling the lost nation of Aldarra. In addition to all the great game play, content and miniatures we've been working on for the last year, we will also be putting some new lore into the box about this lost nation and why we say it is being reborn.

You and 3 other factions (Cin'dar Navy, Arrodan Syndicate, Odaria, and the Mining Corp Coalition - MCC) will battle for control of the lost resources of Aldarra. This includes gold, ancient technology and yes, even precious sordalite crystal - the life blood of Sordane.

Check out the first sneak peek of the Cin'dar Navy miniatures below.

That's all the news for now! We will have some updates on the undead crew and ship coming soon =)

These colours and designs are not final, but each faction will be provided in its own colour for ease of right out of the box play! In addition to the ships of each faction, there will be settlement buildings to help expand your territory in game!

That's all the news for now! 

Stay safe!

Benny and the AM team

Book Updates | Board Game Project | Summer Sale!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 09:20:11 PM

Hey everyone! PDF/Book almost done!

Well, the summer is winding down and we haven't let up. We have been working to get the book finished over the last couple of months adding in 80 pages of new art and content. We are going over final passes of the layout now and it should be going to final edit stages this week which means. With any  luck, we should be sending it off for samples at the manufacturer next week and releasing the updated PDF to all the PDF backers at the same time. It's really coming together and taking the time to make sure everything is laid out properly is taking a bit of extra time, but it'll be worth it in the end to deliver a proper quality product to everyone =)

Make sure you have filled in your surveys! We have begun charging for addons and shipping!

If you're unsure of whether or not you have completed your survey, please log in at the follow link and use the email address from your Kickstarter account to log in and check it out. There's only 222 of you left so we almost have everyone filling it out!

Check here to see if you've filled in your Backerkit Survey!

STLs Update

As all of the core STLs have been delivered, everyone who backed the STLs should have those in addition to the other stretch goal STLs we have released. We will have the Canyon Hessats and Sorcat stretch goal STLs ready soon as well and then we will push on to the final ones (Sky Jellies, Sordalite Golems)

PDF Adventure Update

We have started working on these. The plan was to start them after the book was fully finished with all the 80 pages of additional content, and now we are there! These should be rolling out over the next few months. Stay tuned for more info on these

Stretch Goal High-Res Digital Ship Maps

We have had some delays with the artist doing the maps for the additional ships, but we should be back on track starting in September to get the stretch goal ships done in a semi-timely manner. All the time until now has been spent trying to get them ready for "tile-ifying" them for the physical map tiles! They will be ready to go out with the book samples some time in the next week or so with any luck (in addition to the reusable stickers!) - I will provide more info and previews of this as soon as we send them off to the manufacturer and they are done


Summer Sale! 50% off all STLs

Did you miss the digital late pledges for Airship Campaigns? You can grab EVERY STL we have ever released for 50% off until September 1st!. Aside from our Kickstarter addon deals, these will be the cheapest we will ever sell our STLs so if you wanna complete the collection, or add to it, use code ARCASSALE50 at checkout to get 50% off of our entire STL collection! Sale ends on September 1st 2021!

Check out the Summer Sale!

Use code ARCASSALE50 at checkout!


3 New Ships - Racing Skiffs!

Skiff racing is a big part of the culture of Sordane and we go into it briefly in the Airship Campaigns book. These STLs are the start of us exploring the skiff racing of Sordane even further in future releases, games and materials. These little beauties, unlike our much larger full sized ships, come fully supported!

Check out the Racing Skiffs!


Aldarra Reborn - Our Flagship Board Game

Our next project has been in the works for over a year and we are finally nearing completion. We are finalizing mechanics, design assets, miniatures, art and looking to prepare the launch of the Kickstarter. We will likely be launching in a few months or early 2022! It depends on how things progress until then. If you want to be notified of when it launches, please checkout our Prelaunch page and get notified!

Check out the Aldarra Reborn Prelaunch Page

What's it about?

You will play 1 of 4 factions racing to reclaim the lost nation of Aldarra. Destroyed centuries ago by a Sordane Convergance Storm of untold magnitute, the warped air and atmosphere has subsided in recent years leaving a path for rediscovery of this long lost and cut off land.


The fundamental mechanics are, take your faction, gather your fleets and resources and claim Aldarra's lost technology and resources for yourself before other interested parties can. It's a game of close quarter, fast paced combat and exploration. 

Check out the board game cover art below! It's not final, but it's pretty close! The whole team is super psyched about this one. I will have more information for all of you moving forward in the next couple of months including getting game testers (compensated with free copies of the game!)!

That's all for now!

Stay safe everyone

Benny and the AM team